RASTRUM            Rake

REDITE                 Return to the original front  (lit. return)

REMANSOR        A soldier that has been left in camp

REMEX                 An Oarsman

REMUS                 An Oar

RETENTURA      The rear portion of a camp (castra) or fort (castellum) where the lesser or lower ranked units were housed, as opposed to the Praetentura, or front portion of the camp occupied by the more senior ranked units.

RETRORSUM     Back - Backwards - Reverse Order

REVERTE             Return  (lit. turn back)

RHOMPHAE       A long javilin.

RICINIUM           A short mantle with a cowl.

RIPARIUS            Soldier assigned to a frontier defense unit during the late Empire Period circa 3rd/4th Century AD.

ROMAN MILE  or  MILLE PASSUS  (1000 paces)  A distance equal to 1620 yards or 4820 feet or .913 of a 5280 foot modern mile.   Hadrian's Wall is   80 Roman Miles  or  74 modern miles in length.  

ROSTRUM          A ramming spur or beak on the bow of a ship.  The speakers platform in the Roman Forum was termed the "Rostrum" as it was adorned with the "beaks" of the ships from the Battle of Antium,  338 BC;  hence our term of Rostrum used to denote  a speaker's stand or platform.

RUBICON             The small river that was the boundry between northern Italia (Italy) and Cisalpine Gaul (France).   When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River with his legions in 49BC to occupy Rome, he was said to have stated  "Alea Jactus Est! - The Die is Cast", as he was then committing an act of war against Rome; as a commander was not allowed to take his legions outside his province without the approval of the Senate.   See the   ROME  HISTORY  Page for more details.

RUDIARIUS          A retired gladiator

RUDIS                    A practice sword made of wood  -  A wood ceremonial sword presented by the Emperor to a retiring gladiator.   A stick or rod. 

RURSUM             Backward  /  Toward the Rear

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