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Lord Vader wants them to be recruited young for the Empire!

Here,  a new "Sith" recruit  tries on his armor along side one of the 22 Stormtrooper Replicas,  produced under license of George Lucas Productions by the Don Post Studios in California.

BELOW  -  "The Oldest with the Newest"  -  Old Sarge "Oberon" (oldest trooper in the 501st) stands with a newly armored recruit (youngest in the 501st?) during the "Steel City Con" Toy Show, on the "Sarge's" 66th Birthday,  July 29th, 2007 at the Monroeville Expo Mart in Pittsburgh, PA.  The new 5-year old trooper cadet, Matt, designated CTK-0003, showed great promise and stamina by trooping in his armor for many hours during the "Con".  He will no doubt, after further time and training, become a valued addition to Garrison Carida's roster of Imperial "Vader's Fist" Troopers.    Photo by Shawn D'Agusto TK-2587   carida-010,011  600h  



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