IANUARIUS       January or Januarius, sacred to "Janus or Ianus", along with February was added in 713 BC / 40 AUC to the end of the then 304 day, 10 month long "Romulus" Calendar.  It became the first month of the revised 12 month Roman Republican Calendar in 200 BC / 552 AUC, Ab Urba Condita, "from the Founding of the City" (Rome), when February was moved between January / Januarius / Ianuarius and March / Martius and the Roman New Year was moved from March 1st (Kalends Martius) to January 1st (Kalends Januarius / Ianuarius).  Consult  "Roman Calendar" on our  DateYearTime  Page for a more complete explanation.   

IDES            Dedicated to "Jupiter", it was the fifteenth day (March, May, July, October) or thirteenth day (other months) of the Roman Calendar.  It ended the "Ides" or second period (from First Quarter to Full Moon) of the three periods which composed Roman months.  As the Full Moon occurs midway through the Lunar Cycle, the term Ides denotes the mid-point of the Roman "Lunar" based month and comes from the Latin "Idus" and the Etruscan word for "divide".   

IMAGINIFER          The legionary who carries the Imago.

IMAGO                      A staff bearing a three dimensional metal portrait likeness image of the Emperor,  which was carried before the Legion when on the march. 

IMMUNES                A more experienced soldier,  with skills,  who still received standard pay;  but was  immune "Immuntias" or exempted  from the usual routine and mundane duties.

INTERCALENS  /  INTERCALERY  A period or month added to the calendar.   See  Mercedonius       

IMPEDIMENTA      Heavy baggage carried by the baggage train

IMPERATOR           Emperor,  an earlier term for a general 

IMPETUS                   An Attack

INSIGNE                    An ensignia,  a distinquishing mark

INSIGNIA                   A Standard (Aquila, Signum, Draco, Imago)

INTERPRETES         Interpreters

ITER                           A march

ITER IUSTUM         A normal days march of 20 Roman miles

IUMENTIUM           A pack animal,   generally a mule.

IUNUIS         June or Junius, sacred to "Junus or Iunus", was the fourth month of the 304 day, 10 month long "Romulus" Calendar, .  It became the sixth month of the revised 12 month Roman Republican Calendar in  200 BC / 553 AUC, Ab Urba Condita, "from the Founding of the City" (Rome), when February was moved between January / Januarius / Ianuarius and March / Martius and  the Roman New Year was moved from March 1st (Kalends Martius) to January 1st (Kalends Januarius / Ianuarius).  Consult  "Roman Calendar" on our  DateYearTime  Page for a more complete explanation.   


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